Looking For Resurrection

2020.04.19 Ralph Waldo Emerson.png

Hello, people of God!

We began our last sermon series gathering in our sanctuary exploring the unique ways a man crossed the threshold of space and time and entered homes via television to share his values and understandings of the teaching of Jesus Christ. I stood in front of you during worship and jested about how radical Fred Rogers was for believing he could minister to families, from toddlers to teenagers to parents to grandparents, through a vehicle like a television set.

Now, my lighthearted comments feel like they'd fall flat as Abby, Tim, our liturgists, and I work to craft worship services that transcend space and time to nurture your faith and lift up God's name in praise and thanksgiving each week.

I have two asks this week in my musings; I invite you to watch the video. I hope my two asks help prepare your heart for Sunday's worship service as we begin a new season and a new sermon series.

One last thing: you should've received an invitation to Breeze Membership Software from Erin Windt. This is our membership software. There are three great reasons to log in, check your data, and make any necessary corrections.

  1. Kindness to LUMC. - Current and accurate information makes it easier to get news to you.

  2. Digital directory. - At the beginning of the shifts due to COVID-19, we emailed a PDF version of the directory. However, by logging in you can also have access to peoples' most current and accurate information. If you have a smartphone, you can download the app and have our contact info at your fingertips.

  3. Track your giving. - When you made 2020 pledges at the end of 2019, your pledges were documented. At the end of 2020, we'll mail you a giving statement. However, by accessing Breeze Membership Software, you're able to see your up to date giving instantly and even compare it to your pledge commitment.

If you haven't had a chance to log in, you can do so HERE. And, here is a document Erin created to help you find your way around. Click HERE.


I've realized as the week after Easter wraps up that I'm letting things slip through the cracks. I'm missing phone calls, listening to voicemails and forgetting to return the calls, and the email continues to grow like a well lit and watered weed.

If you've called or emailed and haven't heard from me. I'm sorry. Please feel free to contact me again. If you don't, I'm committing next week to getting back on top of the phone calls if nothing else.

At the same time I realize that if I'm missing things, maybe you are too! These are unusual times we're living in. We're missing human contact - physical and social. We're missing the norms of the season - baseball, crowded trails, and time in community gathering spaces. We're missing the patterns created by getting ready to leave the house, our habits in our cars or on our bicycles, and the natural boundaries having different spaces afford us. So, I want you to hear it from me. You have permission to be struggling. You have permission to be uncertain about your emotions. You have permission to make mistakes or not be as productive as you have been.

Please extend yourself some grace, and please know I am grateful for yours. And, if you're rocking this solitary time, I owe you a high five!

Rev Elizabeth